Anglo-American University

Business and Law in International Markets

  • Praha
  • Master

What to expect?

The M.A. in Business and Law in International Markets is a dually accredited program for which you will be awarded an American and simultaneously European MA degree for a single price. The program is delivered by an international faculty with top qualifications and experience in the business world. We commit ourselves to a personalized education model: in Spring 2017, our average class size in business graduate studies was 9.8 students.

How do you like these subjects?

  • International Trade
  • Organizational Theory and Design
  • Management and Communication in Global Environment
  • International Operations Management

This might be your future career.

Our graduates are prepared for success as managers, advisors, and analysts in international organizations, including for profit companies, non-profit organizations and governmental agencies, especially where high proficiency of professional English is required.

Our graduates are able to communicate professionally, decisively and strategically in verbal and written English. Our graduates are able to identify, describe and discuss complex topics for international audiences.